All those who fought and served their country when they received
the call, were men and women of courage, judgment, integrity and
dedication. Where does dedication end? You can never put an end to
dedication. After all, those who remain Prisoners of War or are still
Missing in Action are still serving with never ending dedication. For
them, it can never be over. For us, we can never let their sacrifices,
or them, be forgotten.
The third Friday of every September is set aside as National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Let us remember those who put country before self, but have yet to return home from their wars.
Let us remember their families, who continue to burn the candle of hope. And let us continue to tell the story that without the service and sacrifice of American servicemen and women, there would not be a United States of America.
Here is the video of our POW-MIA Remembrance Ceremony on 9.18.20
Here is the video of our National POW/MIA Recognition Day Ceremony on 9.20.19:
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