January - February 2024 Newsletter

- 1/4/2024

From the Desk of the Commander

Winter is here! Thanks every one for all your hard work through the holidays. The Christmas party was a success with a lot of happy children. Be sure to thank the MCL and Senior Vice Commander Ed Lopez for all that they do with toys for tots and around the post in general.  Be sure to stay UpToDate on what’s going on at the post through our Face Book Page as events and dinners are posted regularly. If any one is interested every Fridays at noon down in the MCL room there is a Veteran AA group that has been started this is also open to the public and do not need to be a member of the post to attend. Furthermore, please give thanks to Maria, Vickey, Veronica and Lawrence and all the others that bust there butt for this post.  We have the pleasure of having Jocelyn Chapman as a new Post member along with being elected into the Trustee position as Adrianne Boman resigned due to her commitment to the United States Air Force. Be sure to spread the word for the Park Township Veteran Memorial park the Holland area veterans counsel has been working diligently with making this happen any donations or support will be greatly helpful. Do your best to enjoy these winter months stay warm and God bless.

Michael Mennes

Post Commander


From the Desk of the Auxiliary President

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Holidays! In December we voted to donate $300 to the National Home Santa Shop. This store is stocked with items that children can go to and select items to give to the important people in their life. We also voted to donate $500. To the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans to purchase Christmas presents. At our December meeting, we decided to put together Valentine’s bags for Veterans in the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. We will be assembling these at our January meeting. Everyone is encouraged to attend and help. We also voted and made a change to our Standing Rules. Should our May meeting fall during the week of Tulip Time our meeting will be the Thursday FOLLOWING Tulip Time. As luck would have it, Tulip Time is during the 2nd week of May so our May meeting will be Thursday May 16th. The 2D Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and the 3D Patriotic Art Contest are open to all 9th through 12th graders. We will be getting applications to the Post soon. Applications are due into the post by March 31st. I would like to thank Sr. Vice Heather Dickey, Secretary Tracy VanFleeren and Treasurer Nancy Vredeveld and everyone else for all the additional help and support in December while I recovered from surgery and dealt with the passing of my father. I would also like to thank everyone who reached out by phone, message, and cards with their prayers & condolences. It really means a lot to me. I’m grateful for all of you. We still have a need for additional workers to help with Bingo on Monday and Wednesday nights. Even one night a month would be a great help. Our upcoming meetings are Thursday, January 11th and Thursday, February 8th at 7:00, all members are welcome! We are trying some things these next few meetings to make our meetings shorter and stay within National Bylaws. We would love to get your input and have more members attend! If you know of a Veteran, Veteran organization or Community organization that could use our help, please let us know. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone these next couple of months!

Laura Kinne

Auxiliary President


Veterans and Family Support 

Please, if you know anyone ill or in the hospital let us know. Send a card, give them a call, or visit them if possible. Please keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers.

Ellen Robinson


A big welcome to all new members. Hope to see you at the Post soon, maybe at BINGO Monday or Wed evening.

Ellen Robinson                                                                                     

Dads Post 132

Merry Christmas and Happy New year everybody, Next meeting will be Jan 6th Sat at 10 am.

Hondo Robinson                                                                                 

Meeting Reminders

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 73 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm.  All Vietnam Veterans are welcome.

Vet to Vet support group meets every Wednesday from 630 to 730pm.  Veterans of every era are welcome to attend. Marine Corps League meets the Third Saturday of each month at 10am.  Everyone is welcome to attend.             


Officers and Contact Info

Post: (616)392-2144

Commander:  Michael Mennes (616)402-3502

Senior Vice:   Ed Lopez (616)546-0511

Junior Vice:   Adam Cameron (309)212-1148

Quartermaster:  Robin Bailey (616)994-2239

Chaplain:   Ken Vanderwall (616)212-7570

Auxiliary President:  Laura Kinne (616)283-9565

Auxiliary Treasurer:  Nancy Vredeveld (616)422-1403

Honor Guard:  Bob Van Dyke (269)751-8858





Social Media

Website: VFW2144.org

January 2024








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details

1—New year’s Brunch.

2 Soup/Chilly


3– 75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

4—Burger Night

5– Fish Dinner or Lasagna

6– Comedy Night, $10 at the door.

7—Open for  Sunday Football


8— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

9— Soup/Chilly


10—75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

11— Burger Night Post and Auxiliary Meeting 7PM


12— Fish Dinner or Steak


14 –



15— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


16— Soup/Chilly


17--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

18-- Burger Night Post and Auxiliary Meeting 7PM

19—Fish Dinner or

Roasted Chicken




22— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


23— Soup/Chilly


24 - 75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

25—Burger Night


26—Fish Dinner or Shepards Pie


28 –


29—Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

30— Soup/Chilly


31--75¢ Wings

6pm Bingo 6pm









Or Current Resident



February 2024








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details




1- Burger Night

2--Fish Dinner or Ribs

3– Comedy Night, $10 at the door.


5— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

6— Soup/Chilly

7—75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

8— Burger Night Post and Auxiliary Meeting 7PM


9— Fish Dinner or Meat Loaf

10— Tejono Sound Band



12— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


13— Soup/Chilly


14--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

15-- Burger Night

16—Fish Dinner or

Chicken Ala Kiny

17— Rental



19— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


20— Soup/Chilly

21 - 75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

22—Burger Night


23—Fish Dinner or Wet Burrito


25 –



26—Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

27— Soup/Chilly

28--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

29-- Burger Night