November 2021-December 2021 Newsletter

- 10/25/2021

Post Commander

  Greetings Comrades!  First, I want to thank Vern and Lisa Blauwkamp for their service all these years.  Vern has resigned his position effective November 20th.  He and Lisa will now take some time for themselves and enjoy life. Once again, thank you Vern and Lisa for all you have done for Post 2144.

   I have appointed Bob Van Dyke as the new Honor Guard Captain.  He has some great ideas for moving the Honor Guard forward.  The Honor Guard is a very important part of our Post because they are responsible for giving deceased Veterans the honor and respect they deserve. If you are interested in being part of the Honor Guard call Bob at the number below.

   Once again, we have some volunteers that are willing to make and serve lunch on Thanksgiving and Christmas day so no one eats alone.  We will be serving lunch from 1130am—2pm.  A sign-up sheet for those that would like to attend will be in the bars.

   Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Michael Martin

Post Commander


Auxiliary President

Greetings Auxiliary!

   Hope everyone is doing well.  Thank you, members that have paid your dues before October 15th.  One lucky member will receive a lifetime membership.  Let’s continue to see our membership grow!

   A very special thank you to all volunteers that have stepped up to help with Bingo and the kitchen.  Thank you, Ruthie Robbins for accepting the position of Conductress for the remainder of the year.  Our meetings are the second Thursday of the month at 7pm.  It’s your Auxiliary, let’s do more for our Veterans.

   We are collecting clothing items for the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.  There is a box in the Post with a poster of needed items.  They no longer accept used clothing.  All donations must be new with tags still attached.  Hopefully in a few weeks we can donate them to our shut in Veterans in Grand Rapids.

   Thanks to all my Officers!  You all rock,

Lisa Blauwkamp, Auxiliary President


Veterans and Family Support 

  Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family of Joann Slotman who passed away September 11th. Also, to Marge Scoon whose husband passed away in early September.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.  Let’s never forget our troops in harm’s way.


  Once again, it’s time to pay your dues, if you haven’t already. 

We would like to be 100% again this year.  Happy Holidays!

Ellen Robinson                                                                                       

Dad’s Post 132

  The Dad’s State Convention went well at Comstock Park Sept 25th.  We had four Dads there.  Our next Post meeting will be next year 2022.

Dad’s President

Hondo Robinson                                                                                 

Meeting Reminders

   Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 73 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm.  All Vietnam Veterans are welcome.

   Vet to Vet support group meets every Wednesday from 630 to 730pm.  Veterans of every era are welcome to attend.

   Marine Corps League meets the Third Saturday of each month at 10am.  Everyone is welcomed to attend.                                 

House Committee

Greetings Everyone!

   I am happy to report that the kitchen and the club are having a fantastic year.  We will reach a huge milestone this year. Thank you to everyone who is supporting your Post.  I would like to say a special thank you to an excellent group of volunteers that have made it all possible.  First Maria Cantu (Lupe).  She has taken the reins and gone with it, getting a group of wonderful volunteers to help achieve so much.  Vickie Weatherwax has been an immense help to her along with so many others.  Mark, Adrianne (and her DEPS), Oscar, Lupe M, Jerry, Lawrence, Veronica, Marty, Denise, Bev, Reuben, Lisa, Keith & Kathy, Denny, George, and the Marine Corps League.  I am sorry if I missed anyone.  It takes a TEAM to make this all possible.  Thank you everyone!  Others to help would also be appreciated.  Thank you to James and his mother for putting together a great German meal for our first Octoberfest.  It was fun!

   Lisa and I have had a lot of fun over the last few years.  About 10 years ago our Post was placed on suspension by the Department.  Marlene called me and asked if I would be willing to help as I had recently retired. Since then I have learned a lot (and am still learning) of ways to try and get YOUR Post turned into a wonderful place that people like to go to.  The restaurant we have become has grown and continues to grow.  Food and non-alcoholic drinks account for over 55% of our total sales.  That is phenomenal for a VFW.

   Since Mike Martin became my Senior Vice, and now Commander, your Post has grown faster than any Post in Michigan and maybe the country (without mergers.  Our membership has grown from 317 to over 400 in the last 4 years.  The Auxiliary has also been growing.  Once again, a TEAM made it happen.  Thank you, Mike, for making it happen.  It has been a great ride.

   Now is the time to turn over the keys to someone else.  It has been many hours of work.  Many hours of worrying if we covered all the bases.  But also, extremely rewarding seeing how far your VFW has come.  Thank you to everyone who supported us.  We hope the support will continue.  My only regret is that we couldn’t get more of our members to enjoy your Post.  This is my last newsletter, but we will continue to support our Post.

Vern Blauwkamp—

House Committee Chairman






Officers and Contact Info

Post: (616)392-2144

Commander:   Mike Martin (616)594-9151

Senior Vice:   Garrett Dickey (937)570-8254

Junior Vice:   Adam Cameron (309)212-1148

Quartermaster:  Robin Bailey (616)994-2239

Chaplain:   Ken Vanderwall (616)212-7570

Auxiliary President:  Lisa Blauwkamp (269)206-1810

Auxiliary Treasurer:  Nancy Vredeveld (616)422-1403

Honor Guard:  Bob Van Dyke (269)751-8858

November 2021









1-- Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

2—Soup Night

3--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

4-- Burger Night



5-- Fish or Baked Chicken Halves


7—Breakfast 8-11am

8—Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

9—Soup Night

10—75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

11—Burger Night

Post & Auxiliary Meeting 7pm

12—Veteran’s Day Steak Fry (Top Sirloin)

13—Marine Corps Ball



15—Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


16—Soup Night

17-- 75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm


18— Burger Night



19— Fish Dinner or Meatloaf Dinner

20—CPL Class 8am

Dale & Corrine’s Anniversary Party



22— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


23—Soup Night

24-- 75¢ Wings

Service Officer 8am-4pm/Bingo 6pm

25—Thanksgiving Lunch 1130am-2pm

26— Fish or Lasagna Dinner

27—Tejano Sound





29— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

30—Soup Night



Watch Facebook and Flyers for Details

Prices Subject to Change






Or Current Resident




December 2021








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details

Prices Subject to Change


1--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

2—Burger Night

3— Fish Dinner or Wet Burrito


5—Breakfast 8--11am

6— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

7—Soup Night

8—75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

9— Burger Night

Post & Auxiliary Meeting 7pm

10— Fish Dinner or Chicken Salad Bowl

11—Pure Pro Wrestling



13— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


14—Soup Night

15--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

16— Burger Night

17—Fish Dinner or Spaghetti Dinner

18—Kid’s Christmas Party Noon/Adult Christmas Party 7pm


20— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


21—Soup Night

22--75¢ Wings

Service Officer 8am-4pm/Bingo 6pm

23-- Burger Night


24—Closed at 6pm

25—Christmas Day Lunch 1130am-2-pm



27—Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

28—Soup Night

29--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

30—Burger Night

31—Post New Year’s Eve Party


January 1, 2022—New Year’ s Day Brunch