September - October 2021

- 8/31/2021

Post Commander

   Greetings Comrades!  I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer despite the heat.  It’s cool here in the Post.  Just sayin’.

  We’ve got a lot going on the next couple of months as you can see by the calendar. One of the events I did not have room for on the calendar is our BBQ Sauce Contest!  We are going to have a Pig Roast on October 9th, so we need to find a great sauce for it.  So, on Sunday October 3rd, we are going to have a BBQ Sauce contest. Entrants will need to supply at least a quart of sauce.  You’ll need to tell us what type of sauce it is (Kansas City, Texas, Carolina, etc.). On October 3rd we will pick the top 3 sauces.  First place will get 3 free drinks, second 2 drinks and third 1 drink.  On the day of the Pig Roast paying customers will use tickets to choose their favorite and that sauce will win a to be determined cash prize.

  If you haven’t been to YOUR Post in awhile you really should.  You will be surprised at how it looks.  You will be surprised at the food we are serving.  You will be surprised at all the activities we are holding at the Post.  Heck, you will just be surprised!  This is my fourth year as Post Commander and there are so many of you, I have never met. I love meeting new people, especially Veterans, so come on in soon and ask for Commander Mike!

   Also, please come to the meeting every second Thursday of the month at 7pm.  We need your ideas and input. Your ideas count so please come to the meeting.

Michael Martin

Post Commander


Auxiliary President

   Hope everyone is having a great summer and staying cool.  Our days is getting shorter, and we know cooler weather will be here soon.  Once again, the time is also coming for your annual dues to be paid, we encourage life memberships.  We have been growing along with the Post the last few years. Thank you everyone!  There was a notice mailed out already so please get your dues in.

   Thank you to the Bingo and Kitchen volunteers.  You are really appreciated for all you do.  A big thank you to Marty and Denise Kirkland for stepping up to help in the kitchen on Bingo nights!  They are all doing a great job.  Remember our meeting on the second Thursday of the month at 7pm. We can always use more participation, new ideas, and help in doing more things to help our Veterans.  Thank you to the Auxiliary members that participated in the Ottawa Count Fair membership table.

   Remember our Scholarship Programs, Voice of Democracy, Patriot Pen, Continuing Education, and Creative Arts Contest. For more information see the table in the foyer of the Post or call me for more information on the programs and forms.

Lisa Blauwkamp

Auxiliary President


Veterans and Family Support 

  Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family and friends of Winifred Miller who passed away. Never forget our troops in harm’s way.  Keep them in your hearts and prayers.


  Once again, it’s time to pay your dues, if you haven’t already.  Send them to Nancy Vredeveld.  Just $25.00 for annual dues.  Life membership is according to age and is a great deal.


   If you have a few hours on Monday or Wednesday let Nancy or Lisa know and come on down.

As Always,

Ellen Robinson                                                                                       

Dad’s Post 132

  State convention will be September 25th at Comstock Park Post 236.  Coffee and donuts 10am, meeting at 11am.

   Dad’s Post 137 meeting Saturday October 2nd, 10am at our VFW.  Please attend.

Dad’s President

Hondo Robinson                                                                                 

Meeting Reminders

   Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 73 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm.  All Vietnam Veterans are welcome.

   Vet to Vet support group meets every Wednesday from 630 to 730pm.  Veterans of every era are welcome to attend.

   Marine Corps League meets the Third Saturday of each month at 10am.  Everyone is welcomed to attend.                                 

House Committee

   Life is awesome at YOUR Post!  Thank you to the awesome volunteers that help Maria do such a fantastic job every week. If I name them off, I will forget someone, and I don’t want to do that.  Or calendar is once again listing the meals coming up in September and October.  Come and check out our meals.   We have been having a few more members (Thank You!) but it would be great to see more of the approximately 400 members we have again. This is YOUR Post. It has changed a lot in the last 5 years, come and check it out.

   We have been serving wild caught Canadian Perch and Canadian Walleye.  The Canadians have drastically reduced the exports of fish causing a shortage and increasing the price.  So, prices will be going up in the future.  We are buying as much as the wholesaler will store for us to ensure we are serving the best product all the way through Lent next year. We can always use additional volunteers to help prepare and serve our non-fish meal.  It can be fun and rewarding after serving 150 meals or so.

   We hope to see a large crowd for our Annual Picnic on September 11th.  Come in and see all that has been happening in our Post.  We have many events coming up—Pig Roast, Random Play, our First October Fest, with authentic German food and beer.  Then wrestling is back.  We had approximately 260 people at the last matches.   Hope to see everyone soon!  Also, thank you to all the non-members who help support our Post by buying meals on Friday nights 

Vern Blauwkamp—

House Committee Chairman




Officers and Contact Info

Post: (616)392-2144

Commander:   Mike Martin (616)594-9151

Senior Vice:   Garrett Dickey (937)570-8254

Junior Vice:   Adam Cameron (309)212-1148

Quartermaster:  Robin Bailey (616)994-2239

Chaplain:   Ken Vanderwall (616)212-7570

Auxiliary President:  Lisa Blauwkamp (269)206-1810

Auxiliary Treasurer:  Nancy Vredeveld (616)422-1403

Honor Guard:  Harold Kuipers (616)886-0462

September 2021








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Details

Prices Subject to Change


1--75¢ Wings

2-- Burger Night



3-- Fish or Rib Dinner



6—Euchre 1230


7—Taco Night

8—75¢ Wings

9—Burger Night

Post & Auxiliary Meeting 7pm

10— Fish Dinner or Pulled Pork Dinner

11—Annual Post Picnic Noon--?


12—Football Noon

Sloppy Joes

13—Euchre 1230


14—Taco Night

15-- 75¢ Wings


16— Burger Night



17— Fish Dinner or Brisket Sandwich


19—Football Noon

Chips N’ Dips


20— Euchre 1230



21—Taco Night

22- 75¢ Wings

23—Burger Night

24— Fish Dinner or Steak Fry

25—Random Play


26—Football Noon

Beef Stew


227— Euchre 1230

28—Taco Night

29—75¢ Wings

VFW Service Officer 8a-4p

30—Burger Night








Or Current Resident




October 2021








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details

Prices Subject to Change




1— Fish Dinner or Wet Burrito


3—Breakfast 8-11am

Football Noon

Wings N’ Things

4— Euchre 1230

5—Taco Night

6—75¢ Wings

7Burger Night

8— Fish Dinner or Steak Fry

9— Pig Roast 5-7pm

10—Football Noon

Burger Sliders


11— Euchre 1230


12—Taco Night

13--75¢ Wings

14— Burger Night

Post & Auxiliary Meeting 7pm

15—Fish Dinner or Wet Tostados

16—October Fest w/German Band

17—Football Noon


18— Euchre 1230


19—Taco Night

20--75¢ Wings

21-- Burger Night


22— Fish Dinner or Meatloaf Dinner

23—Pure Pro Wrestling

24—Football Noon

Deli Tray

31—Football Noon


25—Euchre 1230

26—Taco Night

27--75¢ Wings

VFW Service Officer 8a-4p

28—Burger Night

29—Fish Dinner or Shrimp Alfredo

30-Halloween Party w/Spair Partz
