July- August 2021 Newsletter

- 6/29/2021

Post Commander

   We are back to what passes for normal once again.  It is good to see smiling faces instead of masks.  I hope more of you will come into the Post now that the restrictions have been lifted.

   Our Post has become an example for the other Posts in Michigan.  We are leading the way in our Community, our District, and the State of Michigan.  I am once again the District 8 Commander while Robin Bailey (Post Quartermaster) is the District 8 Junior Vice Commander.  Also, Vern Blauwkamp is the District 8 Chief of Staff.   Jennifer Gradnigo is the District VOD/Patriots Pen Chairman, Post 2144 member Gary Hosteter is the District Inspector and David Steffens is the District Officer of the Day. On the State level, Garret Dickey (Post Sr Vice Commander) is the Department Membership Director, Cameron Zbikowski is the Department Legislative Director, and I am the Department Buddy Poppy Director. Post 2144 is making an impact!  Come be a part of what is happening!

   Now that the restrictions are lifted, we will once again be having some great events. Keep checking our Facebook page, our website, and flyers in the Post for details.  Let’s get together and have a great summer everyone!  I cannot wait to see everyone having fun and making our Post even greater than it already has become.

  Take care and see you soon!

Michael Martin

Post Commander


Auxiliary President

   Greetings Brothers and Sisters.  Hoping this finds everyone in good health.  Spring is sprung and summer is finally here.

   Bingo needs some new help.  This is our biggest fundraiser for the Auxiliary and the Post. If you are available and would like to make a few extra dollars on Mondays and/or Wednesdays for about 4 hours, please let us know.  Either call Nancy or me and let us know when you would like to look at what it takes.

   July 1 starts the new VFW year and memberships start coming due.  We have been 100% for the last few years and want to continue.  If you renew early your expiration date moves one year forward from that date, not the date you renew.  Life memberships are a great deal!

    Patriots Pen and Voice of Democracy are the Cadillac program of the VFW and Auxiliary. Help us have more participation by getting your children and grandchildren involved.  The Department of Michigan awards over $28,000 in scholarships every year.  The theme for Voice of Democracy (grades 9-12) is "America, where do we go from here?”. The theme for Patriots Pen (grades 6-8) is "How can I be a good American?” The deadline is October 31.  For more info go to the Post website, VFWMI.org or VFW.org.

Lisa Blauwkamp

Auxiliary President


Veterans and Family Support 

  Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family of Jackie Zych who passed away June 19, 2021.  Also, to Jim Fairbanks & family whose wife passed.

   Never forget our troops in harm’s way.  Keep them in your hearts and prayers.

As Always,

Ellen Robinson                                                                                       

Dad’s Post 132

  State convention will be September 25th at Comstock Park Post 236.  Meeting at 10am.

Dad’s President

Hondo Robinson                                                                                 


  Sent speedy recovery card to Dale Moss.  Sent thinking of you cards to Fred Troost, Al Vandevusse, Mike Myrick, David Johnson, and Bill Vanderwall.

Ken Vanderwall                                                                                   

Meeting Reminders

   Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 73 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm.  All Vietnam Veterans are welcome.

   Vet to Vet support group meets every Wednesday from 630 to 730pm.  Veterans of every era are welcome to attend.

   Marine Corps League meets the Third Saturday of each month at 10am.  Everyone is welcomed to attend.                                 

House Committee

   Life is awesome!  Maria and her crew have been turning out a lot of fantastic food. Who would have thought the VFW would be serving 100 meals every Friday night.  It takes a lot of work from many people.  Maria can always use a few more helpers once a month or so.  Whatever you can do to help YOUR Post would be greatly appreciated.  We also need a team or two to cook up their special dinner one Friday to give her a break.  You will also have helpers to help you.  We have become a great restaurant but so many of you have not even visited your Post in many years.  Let the past go, come in to see the changes that have taken place and the many great people that come in to visit with.  Full capacity is 350 again.  Let’s fill it up!

   The Commander has stated that we need more members on the House Committee.  We would love more great ideas and some help in accomplishing those ideas.  Come to the next meeting and get involved in the fastest growing VFW in Michigan.

   We have many rentals again.  We need that source of income.  Remember ALL members get the hall for half price.  The event must be for immediate family for that discount.  A 300-capacity hall for $450 is a great deal!  In the Fall we will have more events including our first Octoberfest at our Post.  Ein Prosit band will be playing the entertainment for the evening.  Great German food will also be available for you to enjoy.  Put October 16th on your calendar for a fun evening.

   Thank you to all the volunteers that make everything possible at your Post!!

Vern Blauwkamp—

House Committee Chairman




Officers and Contact Info

Post: (616)392-2144

Commander:   Mike Martin (616)594-9151

Senior Vice:   Garrett Dickey (937)570-8254

Junior Vice:   Adam Cameron (309)212-1148

Quartermaster:  Robin Bailey (616)994-2239

Chaplain:   Ken Vanderwall (616)212-7570

Auxiliary President:  Lisa Blauwkamp (269)206-1810

Auxiliary Treasurer:  Nancy Vredeveld (616)422-1403

Honor Guard:  Harold Kuipers (616)886-0462

July 2021








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Details

Prices Subject to Change







5—Euchre 1230


6—Taco Night

7— 75¢ Wings

8—Burger Night

Post & Auxiliary Meeting 7pm

9—Fish Dinner & TBA

10—No Social Distance Party



12—Euchre 1230


13—Taco Night

14-- 75¢ Wings


15— Burger Night



16— Fish Dinner & TBA




19— Euchre 1230



20—Taco Night

21-- 75¢ Wings

22—Burger Night

23— Fish Dinner & TBA






26— Euchre 1230

27—Taco Night

28—75¢ Wings

29—Burger Night

30— Fish Dinner & TBA






August 2021








1-- Closed

2-- Euchre 1230

3—Taco Night

4--75¢ Wings

5—Burger Night

6— Fish Dinner & TBA



9— Euchre 1230

10—Taco Night

11—75¢ Wings

12— Burger Night

Post & Auxiliary Meeting 7pm

13— Fish Dinner & TBA



16— Euchre 1230


17—Taco Night

18--75¢ Wings

19— Burger Night

20—Fish Dinner or Coney Dogs/Brats



23— Euchre 1230


24—Taco Night

25--75¢ Wings

26-- Burger Night


27— Fish Dinner & TBA



30—Euchre 1230

31—Taco Night



Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details

Prices Subject to Change