September - October 2020

- 10/19/2020

Post Commander

   Greetings Comrades!  Our Post is getting better and better all the time.  Members are returning and they are staying because they can see we are doing it the right way.  Our meals are going strong and helping to support the Club.  Our reputation for great food at reasonable prices is spreading.

   We owe all of this to our dedicated volunteers.  They are great but we need more of them.  It is a lot of work done by just a few.  We’re not asking for tons of your time, just a few hours here and there.  Our

Post picnic is coming up on September 12th and we always need extra help then.  There is always cleaning, painting and other maintenance projects that need to be done.  Talk to Maria or myself if you are interested.  Come on out and invest some time into your Post.

  Speaking of the Post Picnic, I am looking forward to seeing you there.  We have tables outside and we are using the round tables spaced six feet apart on the inside.  We are blessed with an abundance of space.  We will be having a horseshoe and cornhole tournament as well as our silent auction.  Jeff and Mark Weatherwax will be working their magic out on the grill while Maria and her assistants will be making sure there is plenty of food to go with the chicken. It is time for us to get back to sharing time together as Comrades and friends.

   Post 2144 is still leading the way in District 8 and the Department of Michigan!  Members of our Post and Auxiliary are serving in important positions in both District and Department.  We are a force within the VFW but there is room for even more members to get involved.

  It is hard to recruit new members under the current circumstances.  If you know a Veteran who qualifies for membership (and most of us do) bring them in for a tour and we’ll pay for their first year’s dues.  We need everyone recruiting if we want to make 100% again!

Michael Martin


Auxiliary President

   Greetings Auxiliary Members.  Hope everyone is well and healthy.  Our summer is here and almost gone.  Hope everyone had a great summer under the circumstances of social distancing and wearing masks.  Our auxiliary is doing well since the Governor lifted the order.  We had ten members present at the last meeting. Please remember to pay your dues. We are at 83% in membership. Let’s be 100% by November 30.  We can do it!  We had two new member applications.  Welcome to our Auxiliary.

   Our Auxiliary table in the entrance has information on it for membership that might be helpful to a family or a friend inquiring about eligibility.  We also have applications for our scholarship programs—Voice of Democracy, Patriots Pen, Continuing Education and Young Patriots Art Contest.  Members, if you have students in the age group for each scholarship, stop in and grab an application.  I am also the Scholarship Chairman.  If you have any questions, please contact me for more information at 269-206-1810. Please Stay safe and healthy.

Elisa Blauwkamp


Veterans and Family Support 

  Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Marlene Wiersma and family who lost her husband.  Also to Ross & Pam Verplank who lost a brother.  Thinking of you to Jim Fairbanks who’s under the weather. Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers.  Never forget our troops in harm’s way.  Keep them in your hearts and prayers.


  Dues are coming in and thanks for sending them so quickly.  Send them now and do not worry about them for another year or better yet, if at all possible, buy a life membership and forget the yearly dues.  Welcome to our new members!

Ellen Robinson

Veterans and Family Support/Membership


Dad’s Post 132

   We had a meeting Saturday August 1st but we won’t have another until this virus changes for the better.  Stay safe and healthy.

Hondo Robinson

Dad’s President

Meeting Reminders

   Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 73 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm.  All Vietnam Veterans are welcome.

   Vet to Vet support group meets every Wednesday from 630 to 730pm.  Veterans of every era are welcome to attend.

   Marine Corps League meets the Third Saturday of each month at 10am.  Everyone is welcome to attend.


House Committee

   Life is awesome!  We are still here, we still have our homes, beds to sleep in, food on our tables, a beautiful Post to come and enjoy friendship and great food.

   We are grateful for our volunteers that make everything happen at the Post.  Please thank them when you see them.  We also appreciate all of you that come into support the Post!  This is your Post!

   The annual picnic is coming up September 12th.  It would be great to see more of our Post members present.  We have 4 picnic tables outside.  We can also put more tables outside to give everyone more space.  Tables inside are spaced apart to keep everyone safe. Maybe the Tiki Hut will be finished by then also.  The staff has been working hard to keep your Post safe for everyone.

  We are thankful for all the support in our sales of food.  Food sales last month were over 45% of our total sales in the club.  That is fantastic for any club.  Maria and her assistants are doing a great job!  If you not been to the Post in awhile come and check us out.  We are trying to get some Saturday steak dinners going and some other events till we can have rentals again.  We need some additional volunteers for some meals.  On Thursdays, starting a week after Labor Day, Marie will be back on the piano for some great music.  Jack is playing his karaoke music on Fridays.

   Thank you to everyone that has helped make VFW Post 2144 the fastest growing Post in the State of Michigan!  Hope to see you at the picnic on September 12th!

Vern Blauwkamp

House Committee Chairman





Officers and Contact Info

Post: (616)392-2144

Commander:   Mike Martin (616)594-9151

Senior Vice:   Jenna Schaub (231)649-1745

Junior Vice:   Adam Cameron (309)212-1148

Quartermaster:  Garrett Dickey (937)570-8254

Chaplain:   Robin Bailey (616)994-2239

Auxiliary President:  Lisa Blauwkamp (269)206-1810

Auxiliary Treasurer:  Nancy Vredeveld (616)422-1403

Honor Guard:  Harold Kuipers (616)886-0462


 September 2020








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details

Prices Subject to Change

1-- Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7

2—75¢ Wings

3—Burger Night

4—Bluegill or Walleye/Lasagna Dinner



7—Euchre 1230

8—Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7

9—75¢ Wings

10-- Burger Night

Post & Auxiliary Meeting 7pm

11— Bluegill or Walleye/Smothered Pork Chops

12—Post Picnic 2pm—6pm


14-- Euchre 1230

15— Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7

16-- 75¢ Wings


17— Burger Night

18— Bluegill or Walleye/Enchilada Dinner




21— Euchre 1230



22—Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7

23--75¢ Wings

24— Burger Night

25— Bluegill or Walleye/Steak Fry w/Baked Potato





28— Euchre 1230


29— Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7


30— 75¢ Wings









Or Current Resident




October 2020








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details

Prices Subject to Change



1—Burger Night

2-- Bluegill or Walleye/Wet Burritos





5— Euchre 1230


6— Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7

7--75¢ Wings

8— Burger Night

Post & Auxiliary Meeting 7pm


9— Bluegill or Walleye/Spaghetti w/Garlic Bread



12— Euchre 1230


13— Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7

14--75¢ Wings

15— Burger Night


16—Bluegill or Walleye/Brisket Sandwiches



19— Euchre 1230



20— Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7

21—75¢ Wings

22-- Burger Night


23—Bluegill or Walleye/Grilled Pork Steak





26-- Euchre 1230


27— Tacos w/Rice & Beans Dinner/$7

28--75¢ Wings

29—Burger Night

30-- Bluegill or Walleye/Pot Pies

31—Trunk or Treat

80’s Halloween Party