May - June 2020 Newsletter

- 5/5/2020

From the Post Commander

   We have been an All-State Post 3 years in a row and this year we are an All-American Post!   This has taken a lot of TEAMWORK and I thank everyone who has been involved in attaining these honors.  But as we continue to grow, we need your support.  Come to a meeting.  Help with a Friday night dinner.  Be on a committee to help Veterans and their families.  We have close to 700 Post and Auxiliary member!  We need you to step up and help YOUR organization.  Please come and support YOUR Post.

   Vern Blauwkamp and I are the only Post Members who have been working the Friday night dinners and we sure could use some help.  We need dinners for June (that is why all the TBA’s on the calendar). If you want to do a Friday night dinner, or just want to volunteer, give me a call.  It would be most appreciated.

  Watch for details on a Memorial Day Ceremony at the Post. We must never forget our Veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  The Memorial Day parade and Ceremony is cancelled so we have a responsibility to make sure respect is shown to our Brother and Sister Veterans.

Michael Martin


From the Auxiliary President

   Brothers and Sisters of the Auxiliary I am hoping that this newsletter finds everyone well and in good health.  Due to the Stay at Home/Stay Safe Order from our Governor, we cancelled the May meeting. Because of the cancellation there was no elections.  I did a phone conference with my officers and they accepted the same position for the coming year of 2020-2021.  The officers are President Elisa Blauwkamp, Sr Vice Diane Plumer, Jr Vice Ellen Robinson, Chaplain Lawrence Diamond, Conductress Maria Cantu, 2-year Trustee Ruth Robbins, Treasurer Nancy Vredeved, Secretary Tracy Van Fleeren. If there are no objections officers will be installed in June.  Hopefully, we will be open and able to have a meeting.

   Due to the shut down we as a group of Auxiliary members have been volunteering with the Friday night carry dinners to help with expenses.  Thank you to Maria Cantu, Jeff, Mark and Vickie Weatherwax, Lawrence and Veronica Diamond, Bev Rowell, Clara Martin and Valerie Harper. Yes, we all wear masks and gloves so we can continue to help our Veterans.  Thank you everyone.  Stay safe and stay healthy.

Elisa Blauwkamp


Veterans and Family Support

  Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family of Vada Rosenberger who passed away March 3, 2020.  Also keep Della Wice in your thoughts and prayers as she has been ill for sometime now.  Never forget a prayer for our troops in harm’s way.  Be patient and follow the rules.  This too shall pass.


   Let’s welcome our new members with a smile and glad you’re here.

Ellen Robinson

Veterans and Family Support/Membership


Dad’s Post 132

   With this Virus still keeping us at home no Dad’s meeting until Further notice.  I will let you know when ASAP.  Stay safe and stay healthy.


   Took a Bible to Frank Amatangelo funeral on 2/19/20.  Also took a Bible to Wayne Larry Lee’s memorial on 2/23/20.  Will be giving Bibles soon to the families of John Carlson and Gerrit Visscher.  Thomas "Farner” Hardin passed away 3/24/20 at Ash Flat, Arkansas.  Sent a sympathy card to the family.  Sent a sympathy card to Reynold Pyle who lost a loved one.  Ed Garcia and Robert Garcia lost a brother. James Hardin lost his brother Tom. Sent speedy recovery cards to Harold Kuiper who had an operation, Pam Robinson with the flu, and Tom Fiero an operation, and David Scoon very sick but doing better now.   Sent Thinking of You cards to Alan Vande Vusse had another operation, Gerry Dewit, Byrne Douma, John Siedelman, Don Tell and Jerry Brinks. This is my last newsletter as Chaplain. Take Care.

Hondo Robinson

Chaplain/Dad’s President

Meeting Reminders

   Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 73 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm.  All Vietnam Veterans are welcome.

   Vet to Vet support group meets every Wednesday from 630 to 730pm.  Veterans of every era are welcome to attend.

   Marine Corps League meets the Third Saturday of each month at 10am.  Everyone is welcome to attend.


Club Manager

   Greetings everyone.  So many world events, national and state events have been cancelled. Even our biggest fundraising week has been cancelled.  But life goes on and our VFW Post 2144 continues to rise above and achieve many great things.

   Our Friday dinners have grown beyond our greatest expectations we have in the kitchen on Friday nights.  What an achievement for our TEAM.  On April 18 we sold 130 meal!  Thank you to everyone has been helping the Post.  We are doing great things in our community.

  Great things have been happening in our community even though we have been closed.  A group of us quarantined ourselves in the Post and have made things happen.  Our kitchen is repainted, countertops are ready for new laminate.  Every cupboard and drawer have been cleaned.  The back hallway is repainted and the floor with epoxy paint.  New ceiling tiles in the hallways and auxiliary office. The clubroom walk-in cooler and hallway floor have new epoxy paint and thoroughly cleaned.  The hall floor is beautiful with new coats of wax thanks to Francisco. Thank you to Mark, Maria, Lisa Jo Lee, Marie, Todd, Lawrence, Clara and Mike for all the work in making things happen.  Thank  you to the generosity of Auxiliary Member Marie Blaukamp for the donation of the kitchen remodel and a new range wit h char broiler in the kitchen so can start doing steak dinners. Our new LED sign should be on the wall when you receive this newsletter thanks to the Vietnam Veterans of American and the Auxiliary.

   We have come so far in the last 3 years.  Thank you to everyone making it happen. 


Vern Blauwkamp

House Committee Chairman




Officers and Contact Info

Post: (616)392-2144

Commander:   Mike Martin (616)594-9151

Senior Vice:   Jenna Schaub (231)649-1745

Junior Vice:   Adam Cameron (309)212-1148

Quartermaster:  Garrett Dickey (937)570-8254

Chaplain:   Hondo Robinson (616)644-3300

Auxiliary President:  Lisa Blauwkamp (269)206-1810

Auxiliary Treasurer:  Nancy Vredeveld (616)422-1403

Honor Guard:  Harold Kuipers (616)886-0462


May 2020













1—BBQ Ribs

Or French Dip Sandwich





6—Wing Dinner

Burger Dinner

Carry Out Only


8—Grilled Chicken Halves or Walleye Dinner





13-- Wing Dinner

Burger Dinner

Carry Out Only


15—Corned Beef w/Cabbage or Swedish Meatballs









20-- Wing Dinner

Burger Dinner

Carry Out Only


22—Marine Corps League TBA








27— Wing Dinner

Burger Dinner

Carry Out Only


29—Vickie’s Burritos or Burger, Potato Salad, Beans







Or Current Resident




June 2020









1-- Euchre 1230

Aux Bingo 6-9

2—Soup $2 Bowl

3--50¢ Wings

Aux Bingo 6-9

4—Burger Night






8— Euchre 1230

Aux Bingo 6-9

9—Soup $2 Bowl

10--50¢ Wings

Aux Bingo 6-9

11— Burger Night

Post and Auxiliary Meeting 7pm





15— Euchre 1230

Aux Bingo 6-9

16—Soup $2 Bowl

117--50¢ Wings

Aux Bingo 6-9

18— Burger Night





20—Past Commanders Dinner


22— Euchre 1230

Aux Bingo 6-9


23—Soup $2 Bowl

24—50¢ Wings

Aux Bingo 6-9

25-- Burger Night





29-- Euchre 1230

Aux Bingo 6-9


30—Soup $2 Bowl