November - December 2023

- 11/5/2023

From the Desk of the Commander

Fall is in full swing and here at the post we have a busy couple of months ahead of us. I want to start by saying we had a very good turnout at the post picnic and I hope everyone had a good time. Moving forward We have a few upcoming events in the months of November and December. First thing first the veteran’s day meal will be on the 10th it will be free to all veterans and veterans only so spread the word on that and get down here and enjoy your meal with your fellow comrades. Toys for Tots is in full swing, drop off your donations at the Post, during business hours please! We will be closed Thanksgiving Day. Tuesdays night meals will now be transitioning from tacos to soup/chilly. December 16th is our post-Christmas party, bring the family and enjoy it. If there are any children please submit their names so they can receive gifts from Santa this event is also open to any families In need not souly just post members. Please remember your Post Staff this Christmas, they’ve been busting their butts off for you, and you can’t even imagine what goes on BEHIND the scenes. Please give them a warm thank you for all their hard work, a simple thanks can do wonders for spirits that wane towards the end of the year! That being said the end of the year is near and we will be going all out for the New year’s party so don’t miss it! If there are any questions or concerns, please attend your monthly post meeting. This is where you can bring up anything post related, and you will be herd. This includes the house committee meeting which is an open meeting to any one post or aux. Remember to stay current on your dues we don’t want anyone to expire and loose their post privileges. Lastly, The Post has a google calendar with all of or events, email, or find us at, and we’ll add you to the calendar!

Michael Mennes

Post Commander


From the Desk of the Auxiliary President

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Autumn as we begin to think about Winter.

We had a great turnout for the Blue Teadrop Walk and Benefit Breakfast on September 16th. We were able to

raise $8,595. for the VA’s suicide prevention program. We raised $3,000 more this year than we did in 2022. We

will be doing it again in 2024 so stay tuned next year.

When you come to the Post, take a look out front at the new tree we planted, and when I say we, I mean Mark

Weatherwax. Thank you, Mark! The Department of Michigan President, Sara Manke, asked all Auxiliaries to plant a

tree in memory of Veterans who died by suicide. We voted on purchasing a tree in our September meeting and we

chose a Weeping Cherry tree.

We will be selecting our Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen scholarship winners in November.

We still have a need for additional workers to help with Bingo on Monday and Wednesday nights. Even one night a

month would be a great help.

Our upcoming meetings are Thursday, November 9th and Thursday, December 14th at 7:00, all members are

welcome! We are trying some things these next few meetings to make our meetings shorter and stay within

National Bylaws. We would love to get your input and have more members attend!

If you know of a Veteran, Veteran organization or Community organization that could use our help, please let us


I’m looking forward to seeing everyone these next couple of months!

Laura Kinne

Auxiliary President                                                                             

Veterans and Family Support 

Please, if you know anyone ill or in the hospital let us know. Send a card, give them a call, or visit them if at all possible. Please keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers.

Ellen Robinson


A big welcome to all new members. Hope to see you at the Post soon, maybe at BINGO Monday or Wed evening. If you haven’t paid your dues yet, please do so this month as the year is coming to an end. If you need help please let us know.

Ellen Robinson                                                                                     

Dads Post 132

District Meeting went well, Please pay your Dues! Notices are on the way. Next meeting will be January 6th 2024.

Hondo Robinson                                                                                 

Meeting Reminders

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 73 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm.  All Vietnam Veterans are welcome.

Vet to Vet support group meets every Wednesday from 630 to 730pm.  Veterans of every era are welcome to attend. Marine Corps League meets the Third Saturday of each month at 10am.  Everyone is welcome to attend.             


Officers and Contact Info

Post: (616)392-2144

Commander:  Michael Mennes (616)402-3502

Senior Vice:   Ed Lopez (616)546-0511

Junior Vice:   Adam Cameron (309)212-1148

Quartermaster:  Robin Bailey (616)994-2239

Chaplain:   Ken Vanderwall (616)212-7570

Auxiliary President:  Laura Kinne (616)283-9565

Auxiliary Treasurer:  Nancy Vredeveld (616)422-1403

Honor Guard:  Bob Van Dyke (269)751-8858





Social Media


November 2023








Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details

Prices Subject to Change


1 – 75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

2—Burger Night

3– Fish Dinner or MeatLoaf

4– Comedy Night, $10 at the door.

5—Open for  Sunday Football


6— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

7 — Soup/Chilly


8—75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

9— Burger Night Post and Auxiliary Meeting 7PM


10— Fish Dinner or Steak Veterans eat for Free

11—MCL ball


12 – Open for  Sunday Football



13— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


14— Soup/Chilly


15--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

16-- Burger Night

17—Fish Dinner or

Swiss Steak

18— Tejano Sound Band

19– Open for  Sunday Football


20— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


21— Soup/Chilly


22 - 75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm



24—Fish Dinner or Ribs


26 –

Open for  Sunday Football


27—Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

28— Soup/Chilly


29--75¢ Wings

6pm Bingo 6pm

30– Burger Night








Or Current Resident



December 2023








1-Watch Facebook and Flyers for Dinner Details

2- Euchre 1230 Bingo 6pm

3- Taco Tuesday

1--75 cent wing           Bingo 6pm

2- Burger Night

1--Fish Dinner or Smothered Pork Chops

2– Comedy Night, $10 at the door.

3— Open for Sunday Football


4— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

5— Soup/Chilly

6—75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

7— Burger Night Post and Auxiliary Meeting 7PM


8— Fish Dinner or Fajita Tacos

9—Pure Pro Wrestling


Open for Sunday Football


11— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


12— Soup/Chilly

Blood Drive

13--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

14-- Burger Night

15—Fish Dinner or

Egg Rolls

16— Christmas Party

17– Open for Sunday Football


18— Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm


19— Soup/Chilly

20 - 75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

21—Burger Night


22—Fish Dinner or Chicken Alfredo

23—Halloween Party, Silent Auction


24 – Open for Sunday Football



25—Euchre 1230

Bingo 6pm

26— Soup/Chilly

27--75¢ Wings

Bingo 6pm

28-- Burger Night


29—Fish Dinner or Wet Burritos



31—New Year Party