From the Desk of the Commander
Results are
in and our Line Officers and other elected positions have been decided! I’d
like to thank everyone who helped me in my first year of being Commander,
without you I would have been lost. Post 2144 is a well-oiled machine that has
its brightest days ahead! Our Line Officers, Quartermaster, and Chaplain all
remain the same for the upcoming year with the addition of Past Post Commander
Mike Martin being elected to the position of 3-Year Trustee. Congratulations to
all those elected and good luck! The joint installation with the Auxiliary will
take place immediately following our May Meeting.
At our April
meeting we passed a motion on a significant endeavor. We will be replacing the
cooler that runs the walk-in for the kitchen and large canteen. The VFWMI
Revitalization grant that we were awarded from the Department will help offset
the $11,500 cost greatly, but coming out of the winter months, times are tough.
Please come down and support the Post when you can. Everything from dinners to
BINGO helps us keep the lights on.
Keeping your
Membership dues up to date also helps! We currently need 74 renewals to hit
100%. If you or a buddy are expired or expiring by June 30th, renew
now! Stop by the Post, visit, or give a line officer a call. Our numbers
are in the newsletter, and I LOVE to talk about MEMBERSHIP!
Garrett Dickey
Post Commander
From the Desk of the Auxiliary President
Thank you to everyone who came to our April meeting.
We held elections and we were able to fill all officer positions and keep going
as an Auxiliary for another year. I will continue to be President for another
year. We will be swearing in our officers after the May meeting.
The purpose of the VFW Auxiliary is to help veterans
and serve in our communities. If you know of a veteran or a community
organization that needs some help please let us know. You can bring it up at
our meeting where we can discuss what the needs are and how we might be able to
help. We would love to have more participation to help veterans!
We are getting to the time of year when kids are
looking at Summer Camp. Please consider Camp Trotter. Camp Trotter is a 6-day
overnight camp for all 7–12-year-olds, they do not need to have a veteran in
their family. Registration ends July 1st. Tuition is $320. this
year. They are also looking for volunteers to help clean up the camp before the
kids arrive. There is more information at their website
We still have a need for additional workers to help
with Bingo on Monday and Wednesday nights. Even one night a month would be a
great help.
Our upcoming meetings are Thursday May 11th and
Thursday June 8th at 7:00, all members are welcome! We would love to see you
and get your input!
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone these next
couple of months!
Laura Kinne
Auxiliary President
Veterans and Family Support
Please, if you know anyone ill or in the hospital
let us know. Send a card, give them a call, or visit them if at all possible.
Please keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers.
Ellen Robinson
A big welcome to all new members. Hope to see you at
the Post soon, maybe at BINGO Monday or Wed evening. If you haven’t paid your
dues yet, please do so this month as the year is coming to an end. If you need
help please let us know.
Ellen Robinson
Dads Post 132
Two DADs, Oscar and Hondo went to the Otsego Post
Sat April 22nd for the state meeting. Our Post 132 meeting is
Saturday May 6th at 10AM. See you all there!
Hondo Robinson
Meeting Reminders
Veterans of America Chapter 73 meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month
at 7pm. All Vietnam Veterans are
to Vet support group meets every Wednesday from 630 to 730pm. Veterans of every era are welcome to attend.
Marine Corps League meets the Third Saturday of each month at 10am. Everyone is welcom to attend.
Officers and
Contact Info
Post: (616)392-2144
Commander: Garrett Dickey (937)570-8254
Senior Vice: Michael Mennes (616)402-3502
Junior Vice: Adam Cameron (309)212-1148
Quartermaster: Robin Bailey (616)994-2239
Chaplain: Ken Vanderwall (616)212-7570
President: Laura Kinne (616)283-9565
Treasurer: Nancy Vredeveld
Honor Guard: Bob Van Dyke (269)751-8858
Social Media
Instagram: VFWPost2144
Membership Stats
VFW Post 2144 – 81.75%
District 8 – 97.92%
VFW Department of MI – 98.01%
VFW National – 99.07%
May 2023
Watch Facebook and Flyers
for Details
1 – Euchre 1230
Bingo 6pm
2 – Taco Tuesday
3 – 75¢ wings
Bingo 6pm
4 – Burger Night
5—Fish Dinner or Lasagna
6 — District Mtg. Red
Arrow Portage Pure Pro Wrestling
8— Euchre 1230
Bingo 6pm
9— Taco Tuesday
10—75¢ Wings
Bingo 6pm
11—Tulip Time menu
Post & AUX Meeting
night 7PM
12—Open at 11 Chicken Dinner
13 — Open at 11 Chicken
Dinner 9-EZ River Band
14 –
15—Euchre 1230
Bingo 6pm
16— Taco Tuesday
17-- 75¢ Wings
Bingo 6pm
18--Burger Night
19— Fish Dinner or
Chicken Enchiladas
21 –
22— Euchre 1230
Bingo 6pm
23— Taco Tuesday
24 - 75¢ Wings
Bingo 6pm
25—Burger Night
26— Fish Dinner or
Meatloaf Dinner MCL
30— Taco Tuesday
31-75¢ Wings
Bingo 6PM
June 2023
Watch Facebook and Flyers
for Dinner Details
Prices Subject to Change
1 -
2 – Fish Dinner or Steaks
3 – 9 Karizma Band
5 — Euchre 1230
Bingo 6pm
6 — Taco Tuesday
7—75¢ Wings
Bingo 6pm
8— Burger Night Post and Auxiliary Meeting 7PM
9— Fish Dinner or Wet
11 –
12— Euchre 1230
Bingo 6pm
13— Taco Tuesday
14--75¢ Wings
Bingo 6pm
15-- Burger Night
16—Fish Dinner or
18 –
19— Euchre 1230
Bingo 6pm
20— Taco Tuesday
21 - 75¢ Wings
Bingo 6pm
22—Burger Night
23—Fish Dinner or Sloppy
25 –
26—Euchre 1230
Bingo 6pm
27— Taco Tuesday
28--75¢ Wings
6pm Bingo 6pm
29 – Burger Night
30- Fish Dinner or Pork